Information For Retailers

Information For Retailers

If you are interested in stocking Shrig Shop products you can email us at and we will send you more information.

Selling Posters
If you wish to sell our posters, we have a specific set of terms and conditions that  resellers must agree and adhere to:

Maximum price
€80 each (including local taxes), unframed.

If you wish to offer the posters framed then you must also offer them unframed, so customers can transparently see the price for both the poster and frame.

i) posters must always be described as “posters” in all communication and product information, never as “prints”
ii) posters must always be listed as “unlimited edition” or "open edition"
iii) posters must always be listed as “ published by Shrig Shop”

As part of agreeing to our terms and conditions, you must let us know where you will sell the posters: online, in a physical shop or both.

i) if the posters are sold online, you must let us know your website
ii) if the posters are sold in your physical shop, you must provide photographs showing accurate descriptions and compliant pricing

We do not allow our posters to be sold at auction.

    If you'd like to become one of our approved resellers and we can take you through the process:

    Sellers who sell posters without agreeing and adhering to the terms and conditions will be blacklisted.